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Brief Guide: How to Get Your Car Keys Replaced?

Find out how to get your car keys replaced without any trouble by hiring a locksmith.

In case you have lost your car keys, you do not have to be worried. Although the feeling is not a good one, all is not lost.

This is how you get your keys or key Fob replacement OKC:

Know the Key Type to be Replaced

The evolving technology has complicated the way car keys can be replaced. Currently, we have keyless engines, key fobs, and even remote starts.

Key Types

Traditional Car Key: These are straightforward, easy and cheap to replace car keys because they do not require any programming. A local locksmith or key-cutting kiosk can easily duplicate this type of key using the original one you have. Most old model cars use this type of key.

Key Fobs: This one relies on radio frequencies to lock or unlock the car door. Key fobs are also equipped with a keyless ignition mechanism. In case the fob technology is paired with your car without authentication, just use the traditional car key to start your car.

Smart Key: With a smart key, you can lock and unlock the car without a physical push. It can also start the engine without inserting the key into the engine. Car manufacturers have different underlying technologies for the smart key, as seen with modern day cars.

Transponder Key: This is also referred to as a Chip Key. It is a high-tech key that is now most preferred by many car manufacturers. The key is electronically paired with the car’s ignition system and the will only open if the programmed paired key is used. This has been successful deterrence of car theft. If you are more concerned with your car’s security, use this type of key.

Lost Your Key? Contact the Following:

Car Dealer

The car dealership usually has the necessary technology and equipment that can replace your car key. These ones must be used to replace the smart key.


In as much as the locksmith may be equipped with different technologies to replace different types of keys, you need to explain to them the type of key you have beforehand. Some of them are mobile and so can come to your locality upon being called.

Online Retailer

You can also purchase a key fob replacement online, and then get the key cut and programmed. For these methods to work, you need to specify the car name, model, year of manufacture and VIN. Above all, you need to prove ownership of the car.

Replacement Costs

Replacing your key at a car dealership is the most expensive method. Consumer Reports says that car dealerships are more as compared to locksmiths and purchasing online.

Is there a DIY Fob Technology Reprogramming?

The car manufacturer and the year of manufacture will determine a lot whether you can program your key technology on your own. It is generally accepted that you will be able to reprogram cars that were manufactured before 2012. For those made after that, the technology is more encrypted and only computer software can be used to reprogram. This means only a car dealership or a locksmith with an advanced technology can do key Fob replacement OKC.

For Frequent Key Losers:

  • Make sure you have a spare key as a backup
  • Purchase a key replacement program from a car dealership
  • Subscribe to AAA insurance for road help
  • Attach a Bluetooth tracker to your key